Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day 47 - I Need To Stretch

Workout: Legs & Back
Diet: Successful

Today was a pretty good day. We are doing a biggest loser competition at work and we had our first weigh in and team competition. It was a relay to move boxes from one end of the warehouse to the other - both teams ran at once and we raced. My team lost because someone in our team fell and my team didn't lose as much weight as the other team. It was a lot of fun though and there is actually going to be a video on YouTube so I'll have to make a link to it sometime. Here it is, Check the Relay Out

My workout was Legs & Back today. I did even more pull ups this week than last. I am definitely getting stronger. My legs are pretty solid now too. I need to stretch again because my legs have been really sore and tight. It seems all areas of my body are where I like them except for my stomach - the hardest area to reduce. I am trying hard and working hard every day though. 

My diet was pretty good today - mostly the usual, yogurt, fruit, fiber bar. For dinner we are Chick-fil-a again. It is one of our favorites. I know that at this point I have lost most of my fat - or a lot of it anyway, so my weight will probably start increasing quite a bit, but weight loss isn't my primary goal - my goal is fat loss and fitness. 

Tomorrow I will do Kenpo and Ab Ripper - I had to skip Abs today because of time problems, but it works out. Recovery week is around the corner. I am hoping that I can push hard this week and maybe even add a few workouts. 

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