Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Day 34 - Martial Arts Master

Workout: Kenpo X, Ab Ripper X
Diet: Successful

Today was such an interesting day. My wife and I slept in til 12 then we ate lunch and slept again til 3:30 in the afternoon! With all that sleep you would think that I would be all rested up and ready to work out, but that was not exactly the case. My body was not ready at all and I was tight and sore from the week or exercise and work. I pushed through and finished Kenpo and Ab Ripper X, but barely. I am so looking forward to a day of rest.

This week kicked my butt! I am looking forward to the rest of Phase Two. I am trying to Bring It as much as possible. My biggest struggle is diet. With so many things going on it is easy to get fast food very often. I am trying to change that, but it is hard. I know that if I keep it up all my progress will go away, so I need to try harder and push more for a clean and healthy diet and eating schedule.

Rest tomorrow! YAY!

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