Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Day 23 - Burnin' to the Core!

Workout: Core Synergistics
Diet: Successful

Today was a very good day in terms of the P90X program. I got off to a good start with good food. I was able to eat throughout the day as I have been striving to do and I had a good dinner. After my workout in the evening, I had a protein shake and plenty of water. Things are going well.

My exercise today was Core Synergistics. I have done this workout before, while I was testing the P90X workouts and it was a bit easier before. I don't know what has changed. Maybe its that my body is tired, or maybe its because I have a whole new level of intensity. Whatever it is, it worked and made this workout HARD and I sweat like I haven't in a long time. It felt so good to be beat and exhausted when I finished. I am enjoying my recovery week very much.

Kenpo X is tomorrow. I need to make sure to push myself all the way through - the Kenpo X workout seems to slow down quite a bit at the end, so I'll need to bring the intensity to make the whole workout as effective as possible.

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