Monday, March 23, 2009

Day 15 - Take That Chest & Back!

Workout: Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X
Diet: Successful

This time around, I kicked Chest & Back in the Butt! I feel really good about my performance. I did end up throwing up once, but that's because I was approaching the routine with all the intensity I could muster. I worked out early in the morning, so my body had time to repair and recover. I was sore through the morning but by the late afternoon, I was feeling refreshed and as if I could do the workout again. I did Ab Ripper after work because I ran out of time in the morning. I am feeling pretty good and I want to keep bringing it big time.

I had lots of protein today. I had a protein shake this morning, and cottage cheese and fruit for lunch, carrots for a snack (with olives) and quesadillas for dinner. I had yogurt and fruit for snacks. I felt really good about diet today. I am trying to do better on water consumption, which should reduce recovery time for my body, and help me feel better.

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