Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Day 16 - This is P 90 X!

Workout: Plyometrics
Diet: Semi-successful

It was so so hard to get out of bed this morning. I ended up sleeping in until about 6:40 so I didn't get to work out before work. It was a hectic day at work because we are trying to get caught up from the few days we were closed for our warehouse move. There is a lot of work to be done and I suppose I could count that as extra or alternative exercise, but I won't. I ate consistently throughout the day and tried to eat plenty of protein. I had some slim-fast type shakes (the off brand, but actually better Nutrition Facts), yogurt, a SmartOne meal, etc. In the evening I slipped a bit and went to Carl's Jr., but i didn't bid size it and I am still not drinking soda. Not drinking soda is hard for me, but I am making it!

My workout was Plyometrics and I definitely Brought It. I pushed myself harder than I ever have in this workout and I feel like it did me a lot of good. My heart rate was up the whole time, and I used up a lot of energy. I made sure I wasn't 'cheating' on any workouts by using hands to balance or jump and I made sure to move in double time whenever I could.

Tomorrow is Shoulders & Arms with Ab Ripper X. I am pretty excited. It hasn't got me too sore
before, but I am going to try to push past that and make myself sore and tired as I possibly can. Bring It!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Biege, You are doing so awesome! I have been following along.
You are amazing!